February 16, 2025, 1:48 am

Walls of Juri decorated with graffiti

MH Delawar, Juri
Published: Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Since the fall of the government through the movement, students have been working day and night to build and reform the country. The tide of change has risen across the country with the initiative of students, they are working to build a new Bangladesh.

Like all over the country, in Juri of Moulvibazar district, students of various educational institutions, including anti-discrimination activists, are protesting by painting graffiti on different walls of the city.Around the city, graffiti is being done on the walls in some places of the city. Dirty walls are cleaned and made suitable for writing with the touch of a paint brush with the sweetness of the hand. Then various sentences are written in protest. There is anti-discrimination,various images of building a non-communal Bangladesh are emerging. Common people applauded their work. Their initiative is to convey the memory of the martyrs in the recent student movement to the next generation.

Besides making graphics, students are maintaining order on the road, cleaning the whole city, monitoring the market with graphics on the walls. Their activities have brought relief to the common people. The students say they will continue to do so until the state is reformed.

The student said that we are painting some memories of the agitators on the wall to give a beautiful Bangladesh to the next generation with the aim of rebuilding Bangladesh. We have not wasted any resources of the country. Our students and alumni participated with us here.

They also said that the students have started wall writing and graffiti drawing program to protest the arbitrary killing of students in the movement demanding reform of quota, withdrawal of cases, prevention of corruption, release of missing and arrested students and opening of hall-campus.

Abdallah Al Mahi and Amir Hossain, students of anti-discrimination movement, said that since the fall of the government through the movement, we students have been doing graphics on the walls, maintaining order on the roads, cleaning the whole city and monitoring the market. Already charming graffiti is covering every wall of the beloved city. This unique program is being implemented with the spontaneous participation of the students. I would not have believed if I had not seen how creative our students are.

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